1. General terms and conditions of kraychevpartners.com and information about Kraychev Partners law office

Kraychev Partners is a law office founded by a group of lawyers who join their efforts and expertise in order to provide full-fledged and high-quality legal services to their clients. Kraychev Partners is an association of independent lawyers. Each of them bears independent responsibility towards clients with whom he has concluded a contract for legal protection and assistance. None of the team members shall be jointly or severally liable with the others unless they have assumed such liability through a signed contract.

Other lawyers, mediators, brokers and experts in other fields participate/may participate in Kraychev Partners. The term “partner” on this site means a person who is an individual freelance attorney or a managing partner in a law firm or a managing/controlling partner in a company.

These general conditions concern the use of the website www.kraychevpartners.com, which is managed by Att. Yasen Kraychev.

2. Terms of service provision

All services provided jointly or jointly by members of the Kraychev Partners team are performed on the basis of a signed contract. When an inquiry is made through the site, the team can make a specific offer describing the individuals who will take over the mandate.

3. Others

What is presented on this site, as well as on related sites, blogs, social networks, etc., does not constitute legal advice and should not be taken as consultation. The site and its associated channels have a presentational function and/or aim to express the opinion of the authors. You could receive a legal service under the terms of item 2.