“We only do what we understand.”

Строителство и недвижими имоти
Строителство и недвижими имоти


The real estate sector is one of the fastest growing in the last five years in Bulgaria. Kraychev Partners has serious expertise in the field – both in terms of assisting individuals and legal entities in real estate transactions, as well as in servicing investors in the field of real estate.

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We are ready to deal with a variety of cases in the field of:

  • Legal analysis of ownership
  • Structuring transactions
  • Alienation procedures
  • Preparation of construction contracts
  • Representation in court cases

 We are aware of our responsibility when we provide consultations in the field of real estate, given the large material interests, and despite the experience, we take into account the fact that there is always something to learn. It is no accident that the office is preferred by construction companies and real estate agencies for consultations and resolution of cases.

Търговско право


Kraychev Partners offers its corporate clients full legal service – drafting of contracts, filing changes in the Trade register, entries of special pledges, consultations on a daily basis, resolution of labor law cases, procedural representation in commercial cases, collection of receivables.

Сливания и придобивания
Сливания и придобивания


Or as we colloquially call it – selling a business. This is one of the firm’s favorite areas of activity given its complexity. We are ready to assist with legal and economic due diligence regardless of whether you are selling, buying a business, organizing a joint activity or undertaking another business venture.

As we often say, we are here to help the deal happen, without creating unneeded complications. However, this is not done at the cost of putting the client’s rights and interests at risk, but on the contrary – after analyzing and finding the most suitable formula for the transaction.

Административно право
Административно право


Kraychev Partners has a serious capacity in the field of administrative law – regardless of whether it is a matter of conducting a procedure for issuing an individual administrative act or appealing an issued administrative act.

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This category also includes the audit acts of the National Revenue Agency, orders of the Chairman of the CCP, the Director of RIOSV and other state and municipal bodies. The administrative process has its specifics, which we know in depth, which makes us prepared to ensure the best protection of your rights and legal interests.

Административни наказания
Административни наказания


There is hardly a person or company to whom they have not `received a ticket`. Clashes with the sanctioning activity of the administration are a daily occurrence. Appealing penal decrees is a specific process that has its own subtleties.  Kraychev Partners` team has significant experience in administrative-penal law.

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Knowing the way of thinking and working of the state administration helps us immensely in finding the most correct path to success with the least possible investment of resources on the part of the client. Appealing of fines/property sanctions from the National Revenue Agency, National Social Security Institute, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Commission for Consumer Protection, Customs Agency, etc. – yes, we have done it successfully. Many times.

Облигационно право
Облигационно право


The contractual relationship is the basis of the relations between legal entities. At Kraychev Partners, we have experience in resolving all types of civil law disputes – related to lease, loan, purchase and sale contracts, construction contracts, etc.

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Our strength lies in preparing a comprehensive strategy for solving the case. We believe that this is exactly how we can be most useful – when from the first meeting with the client we develop a principle and sequence for protecting his rights and interests, as well as different options depending on the specifics of the case. Our main aim is to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently, if possible – out of court. This requires the experience and skill of balancing and negotiation that we have.

An important aspect in this field of activity is debt collection. This is a complex activity for which we offer complex solutions:

Initial consultation and development of an individual strategy for each specific case

Procedural representation before a court

Procedural representation in the course of an enforcement case.

Процесуално представителство
Процесуално представителство


The protection of clients’ material rights is unthinkable without high-quality and professional legal representation. That is why at Kraychev Partners we strongly emphasize our constant improvement in procedural representation before courts, arbitration courts and administrative bodies.

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From the very beginning, the discussion of each case in the team includes an analysis of the procedural options for protection. It is important for us that the client is aware that, in addition to being right from a factual and material legal point of view, there must be a procedural way to realize his rights. Apart from that, experience allows us to choose the most correct, effective and economical method of procedural protection for each individual case.

Енергетика и „Зелен преход“
Енергетика и „Зелен преход“


The law office provides legal services to producers of energy from renewable sources, manufacturers of electric vehicles, as well as other companies in the renewable energy sector.

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We strive to constantly maintain our level of preparation in the sector, as it is clear that the global trend is to implement more and more production capacities and technological solutions with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality. In this way, we can provide adequate consultation for your business through the prism of the constantly developing regulations at the national and European level.

Обществени поръчки
Обществени поръчки


Kraychev Partners offers full legal services regarding procedures under the Public Procurement Law – from the preparation of project documentation to procedural representation before the CPC and the Supreme Court.

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The field of public procurement is extremely specific, which is why it is important to trust an experienced lawyer. We are ready to provide our clients with references for public procurements we have worked on.

Потребителско право
Потребителско право


Although it is a specific field, consumer law is extremely interesting and widely applicable. Practically all of us acquire the status of consumers of goods and services within the meaning of the law on a daily basis, and traders of goods and services should comply with consumer legislation.

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The experience of att. Yasen Kraychev as a lawyer of the Commission for Consumer Protection, and subsequently as the chairman of non-profit associations for consumer protection, makes Kraychev Partners a preferred business partner in terms of compliance with consumer legislation. Hotel and restaurant business, trade, consumer lending – only part of the business in need of consultations in the field, which the firm is ready to provide.

Строителство и недвижими имоти


The Kraychev Partners has the expertise to help start-up businesses, especially technology startups. From creating the right type of company, to structuring the business model, to raising capital, we are ready to guide you through the process.

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An integral part of the new type of businesses related to the Internet, information technology, blockchain, etc., is the protection of intellectual property. The office assists with the registration of trademarks, protection of rights on domains, as well as related proceedings before the Patent Office, court and other authorities.

Сливания и придобивания


Kraychev Partners offers assistance in mediation procedures. Mediation is a way to easily and quickly come to an agreement and find a solution to a dispute you have with another physical person or legal entity with the help and assistance of a third neutral person – a Mediator. The mediation procedure is based on voluntary participation.

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If you decide to waive it, you can always pursue the resolution of your dispute in court.

Advantages of the Mediation procedure over the judicial resolution of a dispute:

  • You identify the problem – You fully clarify the existing conflict and its causes. You understand the other party’s point of view, and it understands yours;
  • You are aware of your interests – Which issues of the dispute are really important to you and, if resolved, how will they affect you, other affected persons, and the other party;
  • You reach an acceptable solution on your own – You resolve the issue between you by agreeing on terms that suit each party. It is sufficient that they be lawful to be approved by the Court;
  • You save time and money – Within a few meetings, you can reach a solution that works for each party, without participating in long and unpredictable court procedures. You do not pay state fees and save expensive expenses for examinations and others.
  • Facilitate communication between you and mend your relationship – general and individual meetings are an opportunity to communicate directly with the other party in a neutral place in the presence of an impartial mediator. In such an environment, you can easily overcome the harsh tone between you.
  • You have privacy – You can safely share and disclose whatever information you want with the Mediator. It remains confidential and will not be disclosed by the Mediator except with your explicit consent.

Through the Mediation procedure, civil, commercial, labor, family and administrative disputes related to consumer rights and other disputes between individuals and/or legal entities can be resolved, including when they are cross-border, as well as disputes provided for in Criminal procedure code.

In 2023 (in force from 01.07.2024), changes were adopted in the Civil Procedure Code, which provided for mandatory participation in a Mediation procedure for certain types of legal disputes. Kraychev Partners is able to provide its clients with this service.

Finally, but not least, we at Kraychev Partners share the old maxim that even the worst mutual agreement is better than the best court decision.